
The wrong way of benchmarking integer comparison functions

└─ 2017-11-25 • Reading time: ~3 minutes

TL;DR: Naive code can sometimes run faster than “clever” code. Compilers are usually designed to optimize for the most common code, and common code is not clever. Lessons learned; if you try to write clever code, benchmark it to make sure there is a benefit.

I recently stumbled upon an article, describing how trying to out-smart the compiler can result in bad performances compared to more naive code. The benchmark is about finding the most efficient way to write a comparison function between integers, to be used in conjunction with sort or binary search for example. The original post being about c++, I was curious to know if the results would transfer to JavaScript (in particular V8, using Node.js). This is what this post is about.

Let see the contenders:

  • Naive
function compare1(a, b) {
    if (a < b) return -1;
    if (a > b) return 1;
    return 0;
  • Clever
function compare2(a, b) {
    return a - b;


The original article has a very good point saying that to benchmark this code realistically, you need a real use-case. Just sorting the array and summing the numbers does not make any sense, no one would do it. But if instead you perform a binary search on the sorted array, it gets closer to something one might do in a real code-base.

I took the liberty of converting the original C++ implementation of the binary search into JavaScript, to stick closely to the article:

function binarySearch(array, first, last, key, compare) {
  var length = last - first;
  while (length > 0) {
    var step = (length / 2) | 0;
    var middle = first + step;
    var result = compare(array[middle], key);
    if (result < 0) {
      first = middle + 1;
      length -= step + 1;
    } else if (result === 0) {
      return middle;
    } else {
      length = step;

  return last;

Using the great benchmark library, let’s evaluate the performance of each compare function:

  • Setup
function run(compare) {
  // Create a sorted array
  var array = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < 8192; ++i) {
    array.push(i * 2);

  var found = 0;

  for (var j = -1; j < 16383; ++j) {
    var index = binarySearch(
      array,              // sorted array
      0,                  // start index
      array.length - 1,   // end index
      j,                  // element we are looking for
      compare);           // comparison function

    if (index !== -1 && array[index] === j) {
      found += 1;

  if (found !== 8191) {
    console.error('Found bug', found);
  • Benchmark
function bench() {
  var Benchmark = require('benchmark');
  var suite = new Benchmark.Suite();

    .add('compare1', function() {
    .add('compare2', function() {
    .on('cycle', function(event) {
    .on('complete', function() {
      console.log('Fastest is ' + this.filter('fastest').map('name'));



compare1 x 421 ops/sec ±0.51% (91 runs sampled)
compare2 x 394 ops/sec ±0.39% (89 runs sampled)

It happens that the naive compare1 is a bit faster than compare2. It’s not day and night, but the naive, more readable code is more efficient on V8 than the clever one.

The complete version of the code used in this available there